Wainrot said that creating a choreographic work with a theme like Messiah arose out of different needs, and at the premiere in Buenos Aires in 1999 he wrote in the programme: "I feel that, at the end of this millennium, being prominent protagonists of such a date and event, makes us in some way privileged witnesses and participants in the event. It may be a merely statistical date, but it undoubtedly has an emotional and mystical charge of the highest voltage. Messiah represents for me, at this special moment, a look at new and old utopias, a look inside ourselves, a need to listen to our intimate silences and to get closer to others, especially to those we love the most, to those who share our history and destiny and to those who were and are witnesses of so many joys and hardships. Creating Messiah has been a personal experience that moves me to be able to participate with everyone."
The work takes place in a wonderful atmosphere created by Carlos Gallardo's set and costumes, where everything is crystal clear, diaphanous as a sky - floor, backdrop, benches, costumes and the scenographic box that contains it - providing a perfect setting for the ballet.
Ballet in one act
Music by Georg Friedrich Häendel
Choreography by Mauricio Wainrot
Production of the Teatro del Bicentenario
Artistic team
Conductor and choreographer | Mauricio Wainrot
Set and costume designer | Carlos Gallardo
Lighting designer | Eli Sirlin
Professor - Choreographic repositor and assistant | Victoria Balanza
Choreographic repositor and assistant | Gerardo Marturano
Stage manager | Sergio Manganelli
Stage coordinator | Hugo Chacón
First dancers | Victoria Balanza and Gerardo Marturano