Miah Persson & Joseph Middleton PROMO


Miah Persson & Joseph Middleton

Varios autores

1h 15m
Several languages

In 1945 Victoria de los Ángeles made her international debut at the Gran Teatro del Liceo, the opera house of her home town, in the role of the Countess of Almaviva, a theatre that had always accompanied her directly or indirectly and to which she returned in 1992 after twenty-five years of incomprehensible absence. The success was such that the third act aria and the duet had to be rewritten, according to the chronicle in La Vanguardia, and only two years later, the public was already organising tributes to her. The character of the Countess, so nostalgic and serene, was present throughout her career, and she even performed it at the Metropolitan in New York on the occasion of Mozart's two hundredth birthday on 27 January 1956.


Miah Persson, also a great Mozartian, pays her personal tribute to Victoria on her centenary, together with Joseph Middleton, exploring the Countess's loneliness and nostalgia. A role that was one of Victoria's greatest creations, perhaps because it is, in a way, a mirror of Victoria's sentimental life. Mi portasse una speranza di cangiar l'ingrato cor...

Miah Persson, soprano

Joseph Middleton, piano



Hugo Wolf


Auf einer Wanderung

Im Frühling

An den Schlaf

Die Geister am Mummelsee


André Caplet

Trois fables de Jeans de la Fontaine

Le Corbeau et le Renard

La Cigale et la Fourmi

Le Loup et l’Agneau



Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)

‘Porgi, amor’ from Le nozze di Figaro K492

Das Veilchen K476

Als Luise die Briefe K520


Franz Schubert (1797-1828)

Du liebst mich nicht D756

Daß sie hier gewesen D775


Joseph Haydn (1732-1809)

Fidelity HobXXVIa:30


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Fantasia in D minor K397 piano solo

Voi che sapete che cosa è amor


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

‘Voi che sapete che cosa è amor’ from Le nozze di Figaro K492

An Chloe K524


Joseph Haydn

Piercing Eyes HobXXVIa:35


Franz Schubert

Bei dir allein

Rastlose Liebe



Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Ch'io mi scordi di te? K505


Franz Schubert trans. Franz Liszt (1811-1866)

Ave verum corpus piano solo

de Vier Canzonen D688

Non t’accostar all’ urna

Mio ben ricordati


Franz Schubert

Auf dem wasser D774

Abendstern D806


Joseph Haydn

Das Leben ist ein Traum HobXXVIa:21


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Abendempfindung K523

‘Dove sono’ from Le nozze di Figaro K492