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Concierto Solidario por la DANA
The Teatro Real and Patrimonio Nacional present the solidarity concert Los Stradivarius de Patrimonio Nacional at the Teatro Real for the DANA. An extraordinary charity concert aimed at the recovery of the cultural and musical fabric of the territories affected by the DANA.
As an exceptional event, the Cuarteto Palatino, formed by the four instruments created by Antonio Stradivari in Cremona, will leave the Royal Palace, for the first time in this century, to play at the Teatro Real.
Collaborate in the recovery of the cultural and musical network of the territories affected by the DANA:
The Stradivarius of Patrimonio Nacional at the Teatro Real for those affected by the DANA.
The proceeds from ticket sales, as well as the row 0 of this concert, will go to the recovery of the cultural and musical fabric of the territories affected by the DANA.
Donors will be able to obtain a donation certificate for tax deductibility*.
*Up to 250 euros, tax relief of up to 80%. For larger donations, up to 45%, based on Royal Decree Law 6/2023, of 19 December, amending Law 49/2002, of 23 December, on the tax regime for non-profit organisations and tax incentives for patronage.
Muchas gracias por tu colaboración.
Cuarteto Casals
Vera Martínez, violin
Abel Tomàs, violin
Cristina Cordero, viola
Arnau Tomàs, celo
Thanks to the CNDM for its collaboration in the participation of the Cuarteto Casals in this concert.
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Die Kunst der Fuge, BWV 1080
- Contrapunctus I, a 4
- Contrapunctus II, a 4
- Contrapunctus III, a 4
- Contrapunctus IV, a 4
- Canon per augmentationem in contrario motu
- Canon alla ottava
- Contrapunctus V, a 4
- Contrapunctus VI, a 4, in stilo francese
- Contrapunctus VII, a 4, per augmentationem et diminutionem
- Contrapunctus IX, a 4, alla duodecima
- Contrapunctus X, a 4, alla decima
- Contrapunctus XI, a 4
- Contrapunctus VIII, a 3
- Contrapunctus XIII, a 3
- Canon alla decima in contrapunto alla terza
- Canon alla duodecima in contrapunto alla quinta
- Contrapunctus XII, a 4
- Contrapunctus XIV, a 4, fuga a 3 soggetti
- Vor deinen Thron tret’ ich (Ante tu trono me presento), BWV 668